Code of Ethics:

The Code sets out the key principles of good conduct and practice for teachers in SIS. It is intended to guide teachers’ practice judgements and decisions and inform parents, and the community of these standards. It also informs members of the community of the standards expected of teachers. It is not, however, a definitive or exhaustive guide.. As professionals, teachers are to constantly engage with the principles outlined in a critical manner, taking into account the educational value of the particular relationships with persons within particular teaching and learning situations and processes.

The Code is intended to encourage teachers to adopt an informed approach to their teaching and its contexts and to reflect on the good and correct practices as professional teachers.

1. Commitment to the student
2. Commitment to the profession
3. Promote and uphold healthy relationship
4. Respect the uniqueness and diversity of the students
5. Work in a collaborative manner with Colleagues, Parents and Guardians
6. Keep their professional knowledge and practice up to date